Solar Bird Proofing

  • get bird proofing from the #1 provider in Southern California to protect your investment.

    get bird proofing from the #1 provider in Southern California to protect your investment.

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Why bird proofing?

The point of having solar panels is to use an efficient source of natural energy.

However, when panels become damaged or littered, there can be a highly significant effect that could lower the effectiveness of energy generation.

Panels that are full of dirt & debris are no longer able to easily absorb the rays of the sun.

Luckily, we have a solution for you.

Call us today for a free estimate!

Pigeon got stuck in Bird Mesh
Birds make Solar Panel Dirty
Dirty Solar Panel

Bird proofing is our signature service. We have an amazing reputation for our expertise in pest abatement! If you haven’t had bird proofing installed on your solar panels, we cannot stress enough how important this can be to preventing damage.

Solar panels have many crevices and underneath open spaces that need covering in order to avoid birds pooping, nesting, or otherwise crowding your panels.

In our countless experiences, we have truly seen it all. Some people can have hundreds of pounds of bird poop on their roof, not even knowing until the problem is too severe.

Many people even have birds laying eggs under their panels! This is unsafe for the animals, just as much as it’s damaging for your panels.